Gullies fringe the edge of southern Mars's Hale crater. On Earth, these structures usually form...
Fotografía de NASA, JPL Cal-techIn 2004, the NASA Mars rover Opportunity found sphere-like grains nicknamed...
Fotografía de NASA, JPL, Cornell, UsgsAlluvial fans are gently sloping wedges of sediments laid down by flowing water. Some of the...
Fotografía de NASA, JPL Cal-tech, Univ. of ArizonaIn 2015, scientists found dark streaks flowing down some Martian hillsides. Initially, salty liquid...
Fotografía de NASA, JPL Cal-tech, Univ. of ArizonaIn October 2017, scientists unveiled evidence that 3.7 billion years ago, Mars's Eridania basin was...
Fotografía de NASA, JPL Cal-techGullies snake down the northwest rim of Hale crater. It's unclear how the gullies formed, but some...
Fotografía de NASA, JPL Cal-tech, Univ. ArizonaIn 2012, NASA's Curiosity rover found the remains of a stream that once ran vigorously across...
Fotografía de NASA, JPL Cal-techThe pinkish, scaly texture is Martian bedrock that water altered long ago, forming clay-bearing...
Fotografía de NASA, JPL Cal-tech